Importance of Environmental Education is India

Rinal Shankar
4 min readMar 16, 2021


1.Meaning of Environmental Education:

Need of the hour is to prepare suitable strategies of environmental education for saving our environment. Environment education denotes a study of environment and its dynamics environmental degradation and it various forms, factors degrading environment and its impact on man’s life.

Environmental education is a process to promote the awareness and understanding of the environment, its relationship with man and his activities. Environment education is education ‘about’ the environment, ‘from’ the environment and ‘for’ the environment.

According to the report of a conference of African Educators at Nairobi (1968) “Environmental Education is to create an awareness and understanding of the evolving social and physical environment as a whole, its natural, man-made, cultural, spiritual resources together with the rational use and conservation of these resources for development.”

The IUCN Commission of Education (1970) stated that “Environmental Education is the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among man, his culture and his bio-physical surroundings.”

National Policy on Education, 1986 has laid great stress on the need for introducing environmental education at all educational levels. It states that, “There is a paramount need to create a consciousness of the environment. It must permit all the ages and all sections of the society”.

2. Aims and Objectives of Environmental Education:

The following are the aims and objectives of environmental education:

(i) To acquire the knowledge of immediate and distant environment.

(ii) To spread awareness amongst the masses and implement programmes of eco-protection and eco-restoration.

(iii) To understand the growth of population and its interpretation for socio-economic development.

(iv) To understand the utilization of physical and human resources and suggest remedial measures for optimum development.

(v) To make aware of the village community about natural aspects of environment and it’s restoration.

(vi) To orient the rural community to general rules of hygiene, proper disposal of wastage and other waste products.

(vii) To explain the hazardous effects of environmental pollution and measures to protect them from their fatal effects.

(viii) To create new patterns of behaviour of individuals, groups and society as a whole towards the environment.

(ix) To study the impact of environmental pollution and changes on the life of man.

(x) To evolve population control ideas, devices and measures and to adopt them to deal with environmental degradation and its consequences.

3. Broad Guidelines for Environmental Education:

The report of the First-Inter-Governmental Conference on Environmental Education, Tbilisi, USSR (1977) provides the following broad guidelines for Environmental Education.

Environmental education should:

i. Be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in its approach.

ii. Consider the holistic environment.

iii. Be continuous, beginning at the pre-school level and continuing through all the formal and non-formal stages.

iv. Examine the major environmental issues critically from the local, regional, national and international point of view;

v. Dwell on the current and future environmental trends and scenarios;

vi. Help learners discover the symptoms and real causes of environmental problems and plan accordingly.

4. Curriculum for Environmental Education:

The Government of India announced a National Policy on Education in 1986. While recognizing the guidelines for imparting environment education, it emphasizes that, “there is a paramount need to create an environmental consciousness.”

NCERT approach for environmental education NCERT lays emphasis upon the following aspects:

(i) Population

(ii) Land and its uses

(iii) Different types of resources and their uses

(iv) Food and nutrition

(v) Pollution

(vi) Man and Nature relationship.

Environmental education at the Pre-primary and primary level economic:

The environmental education in India has a traditional base and its starts from early childhood at home and in immediate neighbourhood. During early childhood manipulative skills are developed through helping in the home and at play. Knowingly and unknowingly one receives informal training in personal hygiene, problems of food and water contamination.

At the pre-primary level the basic objectives should be to address the child’s emotional orientation to nature and to the environment of home and neighbourhood. However, at the primary level the students should be molded to understand the importance of environmental protection and should be exposed directly to the nature and environment.

Hence, formal environmental education can be introduced with the subjects like hygiene, study of nature, population education and values.

Environmental Education at the Secondary Level:

Education at the secondary level must emphasize at least one of the following approaches to study nature and environment:

(a) Involving children in out-of-school activities, problem solving and community activities related to environmental problems.

(b) Giving them inputs on basic environmental factors such as ecology, resource distribution, population dynamics, population balance, and the problems of hunger and starvation.

Methods-The diagram shows the methods to teach environment education:

5. Role of Teacher in Providing Environmental Education:

The need to have personnel who will be able to integrate environmental education into formal and non-formal education programmes and further implement these programmes calls for the training of teachers in Environmental Education.

The teachers should create awareness for environment pollution and remedial measures. He should organize debates, competitions, discussions and dramas to enlighten the students. Visits to dense forests be organised so that students should develop a taste for natural beauty and acquire knowledge of flora and fauna.

The teacher should organize different co-curricular activities. The treatment of environment pollution along-with prevention of environmental pollution is taught to the students in detail, in order to make them a way of life for the students.

